Thursday, January 25, 2007
nth much been happening these few days(: had trng yesterday! n went to practice on the 'carpet'. haha. it was damn tiring n stressful. everyone is like staring at u. but during comp is even worst. so hav to get use to it. hmmm. guo jiao lian said that i was nt tat bad. haha. but i think i wasnt s good. scrwed up my ji ti dao. didnt dare to do the cartwheel. mus learn to b more daring. n a very sad thing occured. my qiang3 [spear] gt infected with temites i guess. then gt holes. so mus saw away. then in the end it become super short now. n because of tat i almost cut julia. sry girl!
oh ya. yesterday. mrs jay wasnt here dont know for wat reasons. so in the end had 3 free periods. haix. wasted my time slacking. then had civics. then mr boy started talking about goal setting. hmmm. kind of did it at the start fo year. hope i can stick to them.
n heyy. i dont really know wat happened to u over the past two days but seem pretty emo during lessons yesterday n todae. n i think u should jus find sometime to sort ur thoughts out so tat it wont affect ur sleep time which in turn affects ur studies.
n to my dear partner. i dont know about whether u should join string or stay in softball. but i think u should lor. cos it is like ur last opportunity to learn a sport for free and excel in it!!!! haha. s for string, i think if u dont join is ok cos is like u have lessons outside. so nt tat bad. jus follow ur passion. i think when u have the passion to do soemthing, u would do it well n manage ur time well too(:
been asked by many ppl to run for welfare rep. but the thought of running for class com has nvr come to my mind. hmmm. still considering if i should. cos i jus simply dont like to give speeches n get bombarded with qns. jus dont like the feeling. hmmm. also i dont know if i m up for the job a not(: thanks to those who trusted me so much!!
some photos taken over the past few days/wks. some with the ones i love. some scandalous de too. didnt upload all the scandalous de but some. jus tell me if u wan any(:
me n grace(:
me n debby(: look how terrible i look. messy hair with ugly looks!
me n althea!
me n may:)i look terrible in pictures =x
< 2:19 PM >
Monday, January 22, 2007
woosh. havent been blogging for such a long time. shall give a brief update.
17th jan.
CT session that dae was chagned to the TOUCH community thing. n we were suppose to end at 530pm. btu cos mr boy informed us at the last min, a lot of us left half way n i was one of them cos i didnt wan to miss trng. so manage to catch the bus on time. trng was ok la. had team dinner later. went to pp. forever. saw charmanie n jia hui n her gang there. haha. then went to food court for dinner. tested the team the detective stories. haha. had alot of fun doin that. ate korean food. damn full. reached home at bout 9 plus. didnt study. haha. went to sleep after bathing.
18th jan.
nth much happened. had chinese. n chen lao shi was very kind by allowing us to hav one lesson nxt wk jus to rehearse our ppt. very nice of her. n she spent the rest of the lesson talking about this person called zhang ai ling. very interesting background she has and she is veri eccentric. i feel so fortunate tat i m nt like her. i have learnt that everyone has to give and take in life. we cant have everything and b perfect. for her, she has the talent to write and express herself very well but she doesnt have a very warm family and a proper childhood. life is nt perfect, n it wil nvr b(:
19th jan.
had triple bio. almost died of hunger. haha. first time chiong-ing 5 periods. it may sound little to some but is alot for me cos i m a pig. haha. anywaies. then had trng. met the team up for luch bfore gg. continued guessing scenarios. then we had to leave in a hurry cos we were kind of late. haha. but bfore leavign went to the youth flying club notice board with jie ru. n we created a scenario there. tested the team but it wasnt very successful cos it is super lame. haha. then yumi n the rest gave me n jieru another scenario. but the two of us jus couldnt solve it even though it was so simple. then many unhappy things happened ever since we reach cchms bus stop. fangyu left her ten year series on the bus then later me fangyu see ann de weapons went MIA and the list goes on...
20th jan.
woke up early in the morn to finish homework. managed to complete the souvenir and most of me homework. then helped mum with housework to clean the house up bfore the guests arrive. then uncle george reached first, followed by liang hua ah yi then uncle francis then uncle kam fatt then uncle david. hmmm. had a lot of fum viewing the videos. n randoplh had soem lobang again. watches. he brought like the whole catalouge over to me house. waaaa. saw many nice watches but cant buy cos i dotn hav the habit of wearign them. n the prices r super reasonable la. haha. bought a casio one. very nice. then left the gathering half way for the final rehearsal. it went pretty alright. n many of the grps improved since last wk. oh ya. here is the souvenir that i made for my fellwo korea trip ppl(:
21st jan.
woke up at like 630 to go for morn gongyo. s usual, i was early. had a quick breakfast bfore gg up to chant. but counldnt really concentrate. dont know y. anywaies. zhen wei came late. then meet xinyi min xue benji n others after tat. went for breakfast at the new cafeteria. very nice. then meet the others at ica. then had dry run. then went to change then the disaster came. putting on make up and doing my hair. i was so reluctant to do it but apparently i dont have a choice. n i think they created a mess out of me in my opinion. kena laughed by everyone that i passed by. then came the actual thing. it was pretty scary. was ok la. but i was nervous n i had to refer to my cards very often. then i made a mistake. instead of FLINT, thanks to zhenwei de imfluence, i said flintstones xD so malu la. then the whole thing ended smoothly. headed for ndp auditions at tsc after that. auditions wetn fine la. hope i can get in(:
22nd jan.
a disastrous dae todae. went to school at the usual but went to class instead of wushu room. lucky i did tat cos i realised that i didnt do alot of homework. i ddint know that mus do sets 2 de assignemtn. cos chiong it through. managed to finish in time. then during math lesson, i couldnt pay attention n i was super slwo n blur. so i told jing n guowei, i m sotong for the dae. pardon me. then half way through math, i realised that mus do physics. n i didnt do it n the best part is tat physics is the next period after math. so chiong it through. then physics. we spent like 2 periods gg throguh 2 qns. but i think it was worth it. then the rest of the dae went pretty fine. went to the tampines ntuc for SL. super small centre. reading to the kids was fun but tiring. me n cynthia took two gals, wenxin n aini [nt sure about her name. heees.]. they were quite nice except tat they onli wanted to read bks n nt play. i was quite shocked by tat cos i thought kids like to play. haha. then came home with bernice. n now blogging(:
mus do my homework le. i cant things tat happened todae happen again. mus concentrate liao. IP2 le. i know i have been sayign tat but i jus cant put myself to do it. i really dont know y. arhhhh. soemthign is wrong with me!!!
n u know wat. i m started to doubt myself about alot of things. i dont know wat i want. confused and tired.
i dont know....
< 5:34 PM >
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
another interesting segment on friendship. it is about How can i tell who my real friends are?." true friendship is a relationship where you empathize with your friends when they are suffering and encourage them not to lose heart."....."while frienships may begin apontaneously and develop by themselves, deep friendships are supported by a spirit to grow and advance. between your firends, there must b a commitment to always be there to enocourage and help one another as you work toward your respective goals in life." i hope that i would be able to forge friendships like these and it wil last forever. it is our last people. cherish whatever u hav and regret it because time cant turn back. 06V11(:
< 8:04 PM >
thanks for making me jie min n jasmine so panic and worried todae. thought what happened to u all. went for 1 hr plus still havent come back. wanted to leave but scared later u all something happen. so decided to wait. n jie min n jasmine was so nice enough to go out and look for u all. better dont have the next time.n i hope i didnt make things worst yesterday in the midst of attempting to console u. super bad at it. all the best in the sorting out of things with ur friend and with ur studies(: i m sure u wil do well in the comp so dont worry too much.todae fangyu yumi n jon went to ecp to blade. was tempted to go but didnt cos very tired. lessons was ok la. except that mr yang's lesson was very dry although the topic is quite interesting. didnt know y i wanted to fall asleep. haha. LA was ok la. but didnt catch much cos i was stoning and info jus went in n go out. haha. mus start to buck up. nt a year for playing!shall stop here. gg to do LA ws on toulmin's module. hope i can complete it!
< 7:53 PM >
Monday, January 15, 2007
formal lessons finally started. had math physics chem n ss. woosh. felt so lost when mr shi was gg thru the experiment. i forgot like everything la. n mr boy's lesson. had sort of a discussion on random stuff. talked mostly about the topic on the galaxy expanded. n mr boy told us about some theory. i think the most scary one is parallel universe. it is a theory that says that there are many universes around. n u can b in different universe at the same time. so it is something like a time machine. is super scary la.
SL is cancelled! so ended school super early. went to the optical shop to get my glasses fixed. saw mei xuan on the way back. haha. but didnt managed to chat cos sat quite far away.
must start studying le. i think i m so dead la. my foudnation for bio chem n physics is super weak n apparently i hav forgotten everything. so mus go refresh. if nt i wil jus die when the teachers conduct their lessons.
learning that u r so stressed out hurts me deeply. after reading that post, u made me feel that u r really feeling so stressed n so tired. it sounds like u r gg to go bonkers anything, u r already at ur limit. but i jus wan to let u know tat no matter wat happens, there wil always be people around to support u. i m nt implying that i m the one but i mean there will definitely b ppl around who would b willing to give u a helping hand n help u through this terrible period of urs. n dont worry about whether the choices that u hav made in life are correct or wrong. no matter they are right or wrong, u hav chosen it. n there mus b a reason behind u choosing it. everything happens for a reason. u may nt feel that u hav made the correct choice but 10 or 20 years down the road, when u look back, i m sure u would hav say that 'i made a right choice to do it back then.'
'being young means wrestling with all kinds of problems. it means resolving them, in spite of all difficulties, pushing aside the dark clouds of despair and advancing toward the sun, toward hope. such strength and resilience are the hallmarks of youth.' [the way of youth by daisaku ikeda]
< 5:01 PM >
Sunday, January 14, 2007
yeah!!! gt my slippers finally. brown n orange! damn nice. haha. its from surfers paradise(: but is a bit small cos dont hav the size i wan. but shld b ok la. haha. aint it gorgeous?
was reading the way of youth by ikeda sensei. read this part that was very meaningful.
staying true to yourself.
somtimes when i am in a relationship, it's like i'm not myself. i try hard to be wat the other persons wants me to be.
it is demeaning to constantly seek your parent's approval. in such relatinships real caring, depth or even love is missing. if you are nt being treated the way your heart says you should be, i hope u wil hav the courage and dignity to decide you are better off risking your partner's scorn than enduring unhappiness.
a shallow person wil hav only shallow relationships. real love is not one perosn clinging to another, it can only be fostered between two strong people secure in their individuality. rather than becoming so love-struck it seems only the two of you exist, it is much healthier to continue making efforts to improve and develop yourself while learning from those aspects of your partner that you respect and admire. Antonie de Saint-Exupery, author of The Little Prince, wrote in a work called Wind, Sand and Stars," love is not two people gazing at each other but two people looking ahead together in the same direction." relationships last longer when both partners share similar values and beliefs.
true love is not about doing whatever the other person wants or pretending you are something you are something you're not. someone who genuinely love you wil nt insist that you do anything against ur will or embroil you in some dangerous activity.
without respect, no relationship will last very long nor can two people bring out the best in each other. i personally hope men will b extremely caring and courteous toward women, respecting them and doin their utmost to support them. the reponsibility of men is to become strong enough, compassionate enough and adult enough to care about the lifelong happiness of their partners. for men who strive to cultivate this quality, it is also an expression of love.
also, it is important to think about when u hav children of your own - when they fall in love how would u like to see them treated? if u cant imagine that scenario, u r nt ready for love.
i think it's important for everyone to hav at least one perosn with whom they can talk about anything - esp about love. i m in particular concerned about those who hav closed themselves off from their friends and family - its fine to keep some things to yourself, but sometimes secrets may hurt you. in matters concerning love, it is to your benefit to accept that you are nt necessarily the best judge of your situation and to ahv the wisdom to turn to others for their objective opinions and advice.
no matter how much you may appear to b enjoying yourself now or how serious u think u r about ur relationship, if u allow your love life to consume your time and energy at the expense of ur growth, then you're just playing a game. n if you're always playing games, your life would just be tat, a game...
< 4:28 PM >
back from nacli. been raining almost everyday in that area. quite fun la although most of the games were indoor. n realised that the psl actually koped quite alot of games from there.
the food was ok, the rooms were ok except that the toliet is infested with ants. bunked with debby yinghua poline n xin yue. n debby is super sick and she is super irritating when it comes to waking ppl up! had fun playing the detective games except tat i was super freaked out by one. some were super lame. learnt a lot of things during the camp. more about team work and leadership. they also mentioned many lines which i thought was meaningful. love this one esp 'celebrate every success no matter how minor it is'. n i agree totally to it. as long as u succeed in something, celebrate it no matter how small it might b. it is still a success, a victory!
after settling some stuff at home, went for the one and onli fd gm rehearsal. was quite ok. except tat some of us felt that some of the items were nt very good. s in they were still nt enthu or professional enough. ya. but i m sure they wil improve themselves over the nxt wk. i hope that i would nt b nervous on tat day n i wil nt forget my lines(:
thanks for chatting and/or entertaining me when i was super bored during the past few nights. all the best for ur studies n the comp(:
i hope that the person that u said he or she wil b the last person to know anything about u is not me. n i think tat i was a bit harsh during the camp when i keep on 'grumbling' at u during meal times. i m really sorry.
< 11:50 AM >
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
had a super crazy day yesterday. how i wish everyday was like yesterday. but i wil die of exhaustion. l0l.
went to crash sea regatte with lin mee. damn fun la. crashed into jon's og which was also huiying and fangxiao's og. haha. then me n huiying wanted to dunk lin mee first. but she damn fierce. so will attempting to dunk lin mee, i got dunked by jon! thanks la. u attack from the back. didnt even know tat u came. didnt even had a chance to struggle! so got dunked!
throughout the regatte, dunked see ann, yongchao, mingzhou, ruth, menglu, yuzhe and many many others. saw many interesting ways of dunking too. was super high. played some water games too. but was super burnt! although we were there for quite a short period of time, me and lin mee were super burnt. whole body red la. like lobster like tat. first time. usually i wil jus turn black. and i m having tan lines!!! thanks to the sun(:
had mass dance bfore we went back to college. damn funny. lin mee did friendship with yuzhe and the mash potato part was super funny. n yuzhe is super duper corrupted. cant stand him. dont know how i m gg to stand him for the nxt two years:(
went back to college at around 2 plus. me n lin mee went to eat immediately. we were super hungry la. haha. gobbled our food and went to the toliet behind the hall to bathe. had to queue. me n lin mee didnt bring any tolietries. lucky gt this j1 gal very nice, lend us her shampoo and soap. while queuing, chatted with this j2 ogl. she said tat lin mee had a baby face and i looked older than lin mee. i was la. thanks la. i hav a cao4 la3 bin3 (old look, mature look to sound nicer). so roughly washed up. then went to find fang yu.
then went to ps for aijisen. after that went to walk walk around. found the face shop there. wa. the things r damn ex la. they r like double of the price in korea la. haha. visited some shops tat sold slippers but cant find a nice one. haha.
then went to suntec for further walk walking. [is there even such a word?] anywaies. went to almost all the sports shops and walk walk. n i love addidas big time!! haha. went to nz for ice cream. mango passion! veryvery nice. the whole suntec is liek flooded with vj peeps la. esp subway and carl's jr. haha. then go in n meet see ann n yuzhe. they two look very wrong from the back la n they can b a very perfect and loving gay partner if they want to. haha. n i pity see ann. always get hit by yuzhe. poor guy. n see ann u owe me a treat! i managed to dunk u!!!!
then went for mass dancing. super fun n super high! danced like crazy and played tu tu train like crazy also. in between had ppl tickling u and playing london brigde and high5-ing u too! went home with mingzhou, huiying and julia. n gg out with julia is super embarrassing la and she is very despo also. so fast already kan shang guys liao. haha. reached home at about 1030.
so i m super tired todae! actaully everyone who went yesterday was tired. cos play until super late and super high. some of the og still went for supper la. had service learning workshops throughout the day. super boring. almost doze off. mr boy also announced the childcare centre allocation. i m super fortunate to get PASIR RIS!! yeah!!! no need to waste time on travelling. i pity some ppl. they go until super far la. like joel and ruth. they r at whampoa la. n jolyn also. ang mo kio. they all stay at pasir ris can. we also had briefing about the NACLI camp. it doesnt even feel like a camp la. it is more like a training workshop. me n jie min hav to leave early on sat. cos we hav stuff on. but we hav absolutely no idea how to leave the place. hope tat there will b a cab once we leave the site.
in the afternoon. had Group Simulation Exercise feedback. was quite interesting. saw the video.we laughed all the way. and the report was pretty useful(: and i would like to say sorry to those i hav kind of neglected during the session. i didnt mean it.
thanks for those who made me day so fun yesterday! esp lin mee n jon! i really hope tat time would jus stop there and nvr cont. thanks ppl(:
i love vj!!!
< 6:49 PM >
Saturday, January 06, 2007
avent been blogging for the past few days cos i was out until quite late at night.
3rd Jan
crashed orientation with lin mee, yumi, ming zhou, yao quan. then later fang yu joined us. saw julia, jie ru and yu zhe but no see ann. l0l. lin mee crazy liao. she went round collecting bandanas frm every og so tat she wil become the overall og head! dots... so went round to kop bandanas. n soon we started attracting attention cos lin mee tied all the bandanas around her arm, making it super obvious. l0l. then yumi fang yu and lin mee left cos yumi n fang yu gt R papers tml. so must go mug. went to join may n alicea to watch the mass dance. damn nice la. esp when evreryone did it together. is super nice lor. cos is very neat. haha. left after whiney whiney cos i was bored and debby had to rush off to do her rifle poster.
went home bathe, took me dinner at like 4 plus. then later left for syc. suppose to meet siyi but s usual she was late. meet michelle on the way. went to harbour front de fila to buy the tee. then headed for syc. reached there on time but apparently is still early cos not much ppl were there. onli about like 5 to 6 of us. so started chanting. then had briefing about the fd gm. publicity, souvenir, agenda and admin. everything also have. then had some updates abotu chingay and ndp. then ghee han also mentioned about the readign campagin. we were suppose to read 3 main bks. the little prince, WINGS, Young Phoenixes frm the human revolution. read 1 out of the 3 bks le. so must buck up. meeting ended quite on time. but sadly, there was a heavy downpour. so me siyi xi tao min xue and ming jay were practically wet by the time we reached harbour front. reached home at roughly 1130 tat nite.
4th jan
went to sch onli for GSE. it was quite ok la. but the task was very SS. then i was paired ot work with yining. n everything turned out pretty fine. then went for cca walkabout. sat at the booth and stone cos i nvr bring pe. then me n yumi walked around to look c look c cos we were super bored. finally know who basket was. he was ok looking nia la, yumi. this year gt no fake cca/s. so nt so fun. then later left at around 2 plus 3 cos hav to go home n fetch me sis for tuition and go granny's house for dinner bfore ehading for meetign at tsc.
when i was about to go fetch me sis, it poured again. grrr. my whole jeans was like wet by the time i reached coral. saw mrs tan. n guessed wat she was the first thing she told me," puen, u put on weight le!" i was "huh, r u sure tat i put on weight?!" haha. then she said "ya!" then i was like it was the first time someone actually told me tat. anywaies. fetch me sis to aunty mabel's hosue n headed for granny's place. by the time i was there, i was practically wet. took out my jeans to iron so tat it wil dry faster. had dinner n left for tsc. lucky gt dad to fetch so i wont b drenched again.
went through emcee stuff with chyle long. then started writing our own script. but didnt accomplish anything cos i spent half the time laughing at zhen wei de jokes. grrrr. n the things tat he suggested we kind of impractical. so wasted our time. mtg ended at about 10. so reached hm at about 1040 tat night.
5th Jan
woosh. damn tired tat day. cos haven been getting enough sleep. didnt know we had to attend assembly so no tie. lucky nth happened. but the whole row of us had no tie la. haha. then waited at the bus bay for mr boy and the bus to arrive. waited for like 30 mins bfore the bus finally arrived. catched up a bit with ruth and jie min. then on the bus, me n jie min slept throughout. haha. pigs.
then finally reached sunrice. did thai food and some fruit cravings. the thai cooking part was pretty fine and my grp [althea me david and shi hang] had a lot of fun cooking. i love the red curry big time. it was super nice la. n ppl i tell u all. dont ever eat pineapple rice anymore. the rice is nt cooked with pineapple n it doesnt really ahv anything to do with pineapple. the colour is yellowish orange is cos the chefs added corriandor powder. so we had wat we prepared for lunch. after lunch, the whole table of us sat down and had like jokes and riddles sesssion. althea gave us this super hard riddle tat most of us couldnt solve. onli esmond, thomas n yinghua gt it. there were also some other jokes, like the 'how many meh meh jumped over the wall' n the 'bang bang bang who died'. i couldnt solve most of them. felt tat i didnt really hav a childhood. haha. then the fruits carvings part was screwed la. i didnt manage to crave anything except the basket. but it wasnt nice at all la. but we managed to have a group icon. the 'pac man' and it was initiated by david. had a fun time craving. here are 2 pictures of our product(: our group's master piece: pac-man! [the one on the left is pac-man, the thing in the middle is the monster, and the one on the right is the pac-woman!]![](
this is the final product contributed by the whole class. damn nice right? haha.![](
couldnt go out with u cos i had to run some errands with me mum and had an appointment with me friend. mayb the next time(:
so tat was wat happened over the past few days. nxt wk is pretty fun too. having camp! haha. i love overnight camps. looking forward to it(:
< 2:48 PM >
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
blogging direct from college de com lab. slacking now. school officially ended at 10 for me. but intending to stay back n learn mass dance which i m terrible at. it starts onli at 145pm. ends at 3pm. hope tat it would not drag. hav to rush home. hav fd gm mtg later at SYC at 730pm. but lucky tml i onli hav to report to school at 11pm fro group simulation exercise. tat is all i hav for tml. haha. the schedule is quite slack for the nxt few days until mon. n mon is a free day for me. no sch!! haha. having camp at NACLI nxt wk from thurs to sat. looking forward to it cos is overnight camp which i love!! but wil b missing fri trng:( also got our timetable todae. apparently i wil b missing mon trng cos of service learning. it drags all the way to the evening. sobz.. cant afford to miss trng anymore. i need more trng to brush up me skills. if nt i wil jux die during the comp. my timetable for this year is very hectic. shall pray for the best.had briefing on core curriculum and overseas indie venture jux now by miss toh. we r having some crap review week in term 2 and 3 where we wil hav 2 to 3 tests a day. haix. dunno if tat is a good or bad thing to cramp all the tests onto one wk. then about overseas indie venture, she said tat the average cost per person is between 2500 to 3500! i m so dead. is dadmn ex lor. n the subsidies this year has gone down to 650 onli. die le. must start saving up le. n we hav to make our choices to where we want to go by early feb. everything seems to be happening so quickly. n our schedule seems to b very hectic. tasks assignments proj and stuff all coming le. after listening to the teachers de breifings, everyone was like damn worried and the atmosphere in there was kind of tense. hope tat i wil b able to pull through this year and acheive something by then too:)gg back to class to slack while waiting for mass dance. cya soon folks:)
< 11:07 AM >
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
HAPPY NEW YEAR FOLKS!started 2007 off by morning gongyo at ICA! felt energised after doing the gongyo. had a great meeting. meet some of the IC/s n passed them their gifts tat i bought in korea. but didnt hav time to catch up with them. sobz...went to whitesands ntuc to buy stuff for dinner. at first onli intended to buy ingrdients to make sushi for dinner. then in the end, wanted to make egg tarts. then after tat decided to buy more ingredients so tat can give some to my aunt. so bought a lot of things in the end. spend the whole afternoon doing egg tarts and sushi. very fun. but the egg tarts wasnt s nice s the day before de. n the sushi rice knid of failed cos we didnt know how to use the new rice cooker! starting school tml. but checked the schedule and realised that there is nothing much. school officially ends at 10 for me cos i dont need to take R papers. haha. but most probably staying back to finalise the proj stuff if yi liang is free. all the best to those taking R papers. n cya u guys in school tml:)
< 4:10 PM >